'Tempi di guerra' in "Diario clandestino" and in other pages by Giovannino Guareschi


  • Francesca Favaro università di Venezia (docente a contratto)




The contribution dwells on the theme of ‘prisoner’s time,’ addressed by Giovannino Guareschi in Diario clandestino and in other pages on his experience as an internee during World War II. Accompanied by the pain of an interrupted paternity (and which he attempts to recover), such ‘feeling of time’ is substantiated not only by objective data, but above all by fantasies, desires, dreams. They, translated into words, react to the horror of war by expressing, and in some ways realizing, the possibility of an alter-native time.


27 Dec 2023

How to Cite

Favaro, F. “’Tempi Di guerra’ in ‘Diario Clandestino’ and in Other Pages by Giovannino Guareschi”. Testo E Senso, no. 26, Dec. 2023, pp. 101-10, doi:10.58015/2036-2293/639.



Dossier: Mankind with all his faculties intact: waking up, and leaving the immanence of war