

  • Rainier Grutman Tor Vergata


Most of the papers gathered in this volume were originally presented, often in a shorter version and sometimes even in a different language, at the conference, Tradurre se stessi / Translating Oneself, held at Rome’s Tor Vergata University on December 15-16, 2016. By organizing this conference, the members of the METE (Mediatori e Traduttori Europei) research group at Tor Vergata’s Faculty of Arts (Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia) join a growing body of scholars interested in the topic of writers whose writing across languages not only led them to build a bilingual oeuvre, but who actually made the effort and took the time to translate (some of) their own work in another language. Both this process and its outcome (i.e. the ensuing translations) are commonly referred to as ‘self-translation’.



26 ott 2018

Come citare

Grutman, R. «Introduzione». Testo e Senso, n. 19, ottobre 2018,



Dossier: Tradurre se stessi / Translating Oneself